In your computer; you keep family pictures, your favourite music, tax, and business documents, making your data the most important thing on your computer and the thought of losing it would be devastating. Unfortunately, computers are bound to fail at some point in their lifetime. That's why having a data back up plan in place is paramount to recovering it in the event anything would happen to your computer.
Losing your computer's data can be a difficult and even stressing situation to go through. However, with our data backup and recovery service, we make you let a sigh of relief out.
No hassle is involved in our backup and recovery service, and no need to stress over the thought of losing precious family pictures or school work as we will help you back your data up in a disk or cloud. Is your data being backed up on a regular basis? Is it being backed up automatically, manually or off-site? Can you restore it to a previews session?
Computer Master offers free evaluations, no shipping fees for inbound shipping, and fixed pricing. Payment is put on hold until all of your needs, expectations, and recovery goals are met.